Tag: a loving relationship

Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Magnet, Relationships

#1 Reason Why You’re Still Single (and/or Miserable in Your Relationship)

What if I told you that the main reason that you’re still single or in an unhappy relationship is because you don’t know how to trust yourself? Who wants to hear that? No one really wants to know that perhaps they are greatly contributing to their dating or relationship frustration. Heading bangingly annoying! It’s supposed to be easier than this,…

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Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Hiccups, Love Magnet, Relationships

Dating Games: Could They Cost You True Love?

Do you ever wonder – What’s the secret to finding true love? How to make him want you? How do you get a guy to fall in love with you? These are all legitimate questions that singles ask about dating, love and relationships, and as you search for the answers online, in books, and from others’ experiences, you are typically…

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Featured, In Love, Love Express, Love Hiccups, Relationships

Dating Over 40: Is It Harder to Find Love?

Perhaps logically you know that there is no age limit to finding true love. Yet, I find that subconsciously (and even consciously), quite a few of my clients over the age of 40 feel that either; their biological clock is ticking, which creates an immense pressure to find a match, or they suppose that it’s too late for love –…

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Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Hiccups

The REAL Way to Find Epic Love

Sometimes, the hardest thing to fathom is that love is EVERYWHERE. Especially when we’ve been through heartache after heartache, it’s not always easy to remain optimistic when it comes to finding true love. Often it seems much easier to feel a sense of doom, which is sure to see you feeling as though love will never happen and that relationships…

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Dating, In Love, Love Hiccups, Relationships

The Grass is Greener Trap: Is the Grass Really Greener or is it You?

Have you ever gone out on a few dates with a guy who you really like, only to find that once you tell him or he senses that you’re interested in him, he’s no longer interested in you? Or maybe you started chatting with a guy online and decided to meet up, the chemistry was great, even electric between you,…

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Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Express, Must Read, Relationships

#1 Hidden Secret to Attracting Mr. Compatible

We all know that flirting can be a great way to attract men and is also a fun way to boost your confidence and make you feel desirable, even it is largely superficial. Flirting with a guy you like can also give you a peek into his personality, sense of humor and intellect. The only problem that some of my…

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Dating, Featured, In Love, Relationships

5 Qualities of the Perfect Man

Yes, you read this right — I said “the perfect man”. But don’t let this mislead you into thinking there is one single perfect type of man. There isn’t. Men are as different as we are. However, there are particular qualities that will certainly indicate if the man you’re interested in, or spending time with, is a quality man, a…

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Breakup Well, Featured, In Love, Relationships, Uncategorized

Heartbreak: Why Some People Bounce Back and Others Don’t

When you’ve given out as much relationship advice as I have, you come to learn a lot about people and how they experience love. What I find in common with many of my clients and people who read my blogs is heartbreak and the impact it has on their lives. Everyone has had their heart broken at least once or…

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Dating Diary, In Love, Lasting Amour, Must Read, Relationships

Are You Blocking True Love? Loving Wholeheartedly and Its Importance to Relationships

Love is one of the most desired experiences a woman longs for. She wants nothing more than to love and be loved by the man of her dreams, as do men, they also want nothing more than to love and be loved by the woman of their dreams… However, one of the biggest mistakes that women make in relationships is…

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In Love, Love Hiccups, Relationships

Mindfulness: Rock Your Love Life

Distractions, expectations, past baggage, and experience can all take a toll on your love life. Even if you’re in the most loving relationship, these triggers have a way of chipping away at what was once a joyous partnership. So how do you stop that from happening in your relationship? Mindful loving. We’ve talked previously about how applying mindfulness to your…

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