Tag: commitment phobia

Breakup Well, Featured, Relationships, Self-Improvement

The Love Coach Who Was Scared of Commitment? (and didn’t know it)

No matter who you are, or how many therapists you’ve seen or workshops you’ve attended, everyone experiences fears and insecurities around relationships. So tell me, could my closet-fears be yours too? Have a read and let me know in the comments at the very bottom of the page. So here we go..GULP… A few years ago I came to a…

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Blog, Must Read, Relationships, Self-Improvement

Scared to Settle So You Stay Single?

Don’t watch the years pass by attached to your comfort zone Staying single today is much easier, much more acceptable than it was, say, a hundred years ago. There are people for whom the single life suits their lifestyle — because that’s the way they like it. But many more stay single because they are afraid of commitment. Of course,…

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