In Love

Dating, In Love, Must Read, Relationships, Uncategorized, Video

6 Things To Never Say To a Man

=>  View video here  <= I love open and honest relationships. I love to explore all topics of life with the man I’m with, and at the same time there are certain things you should never say to a man… Why? Because what we say impacts people and the words we use will either bring a man closer, keep him…

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Dating, In Love, Must Read, Relationships

5 Ways To Know If You Are Loved or Needed

I once had a relationship with a man who, for a while, I thought was the perfect match for me. Then something started to feel off. At first I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, because in many ways it was an amazing relationship… Most of the time he seemed very loving and giving, though there were other times…

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Dating, In Love, Must Read, Relationships, Uncategorized

Arguing Means Communicating – The Relationship Fact!

On the weekend I was in the car with my boyfriend, who was driving, and I caught myself getting more and more frustrated with him. What should have been a cruise and relaxing drive to the beach was turned into a kinda stressful morning — the perfect setting for a relationship fight. Why? Well, my boyfriend isn’t what I would call the…

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Blog, Breakup Well, Dating, In Love, Lasting Amour, Love Express, Love Hiccups, Must Read, Relationships

The Inescapable 6 Stages of Grief To Go Through After A Breakup

The natural and sometimes painful stages of mending your heart What starts, often ends, and relationships are no exception. Sad as it may be, few are those who find true compatible love with the first person they ever fall into a relationship with. Most of us go through a number of breakups before we find a lasting match, and some…

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Blog, In Love, Self-Improvement

Why Mantras Can Help You Attract The One You Love

Are you a woman who’s genuinely searching for love yet despite your best efforts you find yourself still single? Or maybe most of your relationships fall into the same unhappy pattern? If that is your case, there is a very very good chance that your mind is wreaking havoc and boycotting your love life.  Sound strange? Well, the thing is…

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Dating, In Love, Love Express, Love Magnet, Must Read, Self-Improvement

5 Powerful Ways to Genuinely Attract Your Perfect Man!

In an age obsessed with the romantic ideal, most single people are searching for love and, not uncommonly, in all the wrong places. I know many women who devote invaluable years of their prime to men that are largely unsuited to them. And whether they go down the path of serial dating or long-term relationships, they often hit a dead-end…

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Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Magnet, Relationships

#1 Reason Why You’re Still Single (and/or Miserable in Your Relationship)

What if I told you that the main reason that you’re still single or in an unhappy relationship is because you don’t know how to trust yourself? Who wants to hear that? No one really wants to know that perhaps they are greatly contributing to their dating or relationship frustration. Heading bangingly annoying! It’s supposed to be easier than this,…

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Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Hiccups, Love Magnet, Relationships

Dating Games: Could They Cost You True Love?

Do you ever wonder – What’s the secret to finding true love? How to make him want you? How do you get a guy to fall in love with you? These are all legitimate questions that singles ask about dating, love and relationships, and as you search for the answers online, in books, and from others’ experiences, you are typically…

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