Hey ladies! I have something pretty special I want to share with you today. You may have seen a few emails going out about Carlos Cavallo’s Forever Love product – and the feedback from women who have been buying it has been pretty exciting. 🙂 What you might not know though, is that Carlos and I are offline (IRL.. lol)…
T-Dub has also put together a video for you about his journey to love – and what it was that made him finally ‘CLICK’ when it came to desiring commitment. Click Here to see his story – as he gives great insights into the male mind. http://hyhlove.girlring.hop.clickbank.net?tid=hyhlblog
What is the way to find your one true love? I get so tired of hearing women talk about how they don’t have the “perfect guy” because of some physical feature they’re lacking. Whether it’s a bigger bra size, slimmer waist, or flawless skin, women have really come to believe that beauty is the only way they will attract the…
Sometimes it seems easier to get caught up on the stuff that’s not working in your relationship, and men often complain that their wife or girlfriend is too serious and rarely seems happy. So, maybe it’s time to bring a little play into your relationship! Watch this video and leave your feedback. What do YOU do that HE finds fun…
Watch the video comment below to share the strategies that you use when overcoming nervousness on a date! Do you have a date this week or do you avoid dating because you get really nervous and awkward? I want to help make dating easier for you, so I prepared a little video to help you relax and enjoy dating, instead of…
I am looking for some stories from the Healthy You Healthy Love community to use for informative posts in the future. Do you have a story that you would like to share and get some feedback/guidance on? I’m looking for funny stories, sad stories, challenges your relationship is facing or anything else that you think the rest of the community…
Coming Soon, I’ll be interviewing men with various points of view on love, sex, commitment and relationships. Please share in the comment box below if you have suggestions for people that you would like to hear from, or topics you would love discussed.
Are you in a relationship that you feel it could be that time…when it is time to break up… A relationship is born every 67 seconds and a lot of times, people get into relationships for different reasons. For some it’s for love, and for other people the reason could be anything from; wanting to belong to someone, fear of…
Do men get uncomfortable with women making the first move? Watch the video to discover how to VERY SIMPLY grab a guys attention and how to be more comfortable when making the first move. Some women think that making the first move means something negative about them. There’s no point sitting and waiting for a man to come to you.…
Watch what Nadine Piat has to say about men on relationships – Do men actively look for a loving relationship or are they more focused on sex? Nadine explores whether men and women are different in what they value and in the way they look at love and connection? Also Read – 7 Surefire Signs He Loves You