Love Magnet

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Dating, In Love, Love Express, Love Magnet, Must Read, Self-Improvement

5 Powerful Ways to Genuinely Attract Your Perfect Man!

In an age obsessed with the romantic ideal, most single people are searching for love and, not uncommonly, in all the wrong places. I know many women who devote invaluable years of their prime to men that are largely unsuited to them. And whether they go down the path of serial dating or long-term relationships, they often hit a dead-end…

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Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Magnet, Relationships

#1 Reason Why You’re Still Single (and/or Miserable in Your Relationship)

What if I told you that the main reason that you’re still single or in an unhappy relationship is because you don’t know how to trust yourself? Who wants to hear that? No one really wants to know that perhaps they are greatly contributing to their dating or relationship frustration. Heading bangingly annoying! It’s supposed to be easier than this,…

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Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Hiccups, Love Magnet, Relationships

Dating Games: Could They Cost You True Love?

Do you ever wonder – What’s the secret to finding true love? How to make him want you? How do you get a guy to fall in love with you? These are all legitimate questions that singles ask about dating, love and relationships, and as you search for the answers online, in books, and from others’ experiences, you are typically…

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Blog, Featured, In Love, Lasting Amour, Love Express, Love Hiccups, Love Magnet, Relationships

Is Love From Another Person Something You Need or Want?

The other day I received an email from a reader and she asked me for love advice on how she could get this man she was presently dating (and liked) to fall in love with her. The only problem with that was that he wasn’t really the greatest guy. He didn’t treat her well, rarely returned her calls, and only…

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Blog, Dating, Dating Diary, Featured, In Love, Love Express, Love Hiccups, Love Magnet, Must Read, Relationships

Be Real And Find Love Fast

Good manners matter. From the time we’re children up until we reach old age, we know that watching our P’s and Q’s and good manners spell the difference between being seen as uncouth and being seen as a respectable individual. Of course, there may be times when we forget our “manners”, but it’s okay as long as we don’t repeat…

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Blog, Dating, Dating Diary, Featured, In Love, Love Express, Love Hiccups, Love Magnet, Must Read, Relationships

A “Princess Mind” Can Ruin Your Chance of Finding a Love Match

Are you a self-proclaimed princess? Or are you the more quiet princess type, looking for the prince charming who’ll sweep you off your feet and proclaim his love for you to all and sundry? The type of prince who will take you away into his castle where he’ll spoil you with gifts and stories of his conquests? In theory, being the…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, Love Magnet, Must Read

Do You Think You’re Too Pretty Or Plain – Find Out How Men Fall In Love…

A woman’s looks can attract a man but if you think that looking pretty is how men fall in love then you you’re sadly mistaken. Most women know this logically and yet so many women still fret about their aesthetic attractiveness.  There must come a time when we as women break this superficial and fruitless cycle! Many women wonder: Should…

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Blog, Featured, Lasting Amour, Love Express, Love Magnet, Relationships

Speak His Language: 6 Effective Ways To Communicate with Your Man

When you first meet a man it can feel like you can talk about anything – it seems that finding ways to communicate flow easily. You feel heard, you feel that he wants to know how you’re feeling and that he wants to understand you and support you.  There is a sense of loving and warm adoration… but over time…

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Blog, Featured, Lasting Amour, Love Express, Love Magnet, Must Read

A Good Relationship Starts with You!

Are you craving a good relationship?  You know how they say that you can’t love another person completely until you learn to love yourself? This may seem like a cliché, but it’s true.  And as I talk about in my Unlock His Heart program… the heart of love comes from your heart (not his). If you’d like to experience great…

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Blog, Featured, Love Express, Love Hiccups, Love Magnet, Relationships

How to Stop Being Clingy

Have you ever felt as though you’re needy or that maybe you feel you need to stop being clingy when it comes to men? As women, we often get confused or get mixed signals when it comes to knowing what’s good for our relationship and what’s not… Some would say we should let our men be free to do what…

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