Tag: a loving relationship

Blog, Featured, In Love, Relationships, Sex

Why Profound Intimacy Is Key To Long-Term Relationships

Do you ever feel that you want a deeper love and better sex? Would you say that sex is important in a relationship? I think most of us would. But do we mean any kind of sex, when we say that it’s important? Or do we mean the kind of sex that doesn’t just satisfy a physical urge but also makes us…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Hiccups, Relationships

How to Attract Men Emotionally

Have you ever wondered if a deeply loving relationship can exist without emotional intimacy? If you have, I’m sure you’ve come to the conclusion that it can’t. Emotional bonding is what distinguishes casual from serious relationships, or an unfulfilling one to a fulfilling one, there’s hardly any question about this. We tend to feel closer to people with whom we…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Hiccups, Relationships

Emotionally attached to a younger man – Should you stay or should you leave?

I remember a time when dating a younger man was out of the question for me. Just one year younger seemed somehow “wrong”, then one day I realized that I was being far too ridged and narrow in my approach to finding love.  After this change in perspective I decided it was time to open my horizons and give dating a…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Express, Love Hiccups, Must Read, Relationships

Stop Nagging, Start Talking, and Be Happy Ever After

I have a friend, a beautiful, smart woman, who’s been happily married for years. So it came as a surprise when she burst out and told me she’s sick and tired of her husband not doing anything around the house. Wait, I said, don’t you share your chores? She said yes, but only if she reminds him. What a classic.…

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Featured, In Love, Lasting Amour, Love Express, Love Hiccups, Must Read, Relationships

#1 Tip for Deep Intimate Lasting Love

Chemistry is nice, feeling excited, in love and enamoured with another person is one of the most exhilarating things we can experience in a relationship. The lusting, chemicals running wild, the feeling of being wanted by someone can feel incredible and even addictive… Though as much as this can feel good at the onset of a new connection, these are…

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