
Blog, Love Express, Men Tell

How to Make Him Love You Again (Guest Post By Carlos Cavallo)

Does love have to fade? Can you do anything to make him love you again if things have gone cold? Can’t it always be like it was when you two first met? Well, we all know in our hearts that love can never be as powerful and magical as it is when it first starts – BUT… We also know we WANT it to be, don’t…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, Lasting Amour, Love Express

7 Communication Techniques That Will Never Work on Your Guy

So, I’m in a coffee shop getting my usual and I overhear a conversation between a woman and her friends… She was talking about how her boyfriend was the worst communicator she knew. The woman expressed how the other day she wanted to talk to him about moving in together and her boyfriend shut down and left the apartment. Now…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, In Love, Lasting Amour, Must Read

The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes That Get In The Way Of Lasting Love

Sometimes finding a relationship you know will last forever feels impossible. When you’re struggling in love or have had your heart broken, it can be inspiring to turn to Vedic Astrology for help. We’ve all heard about Vedic Astrology helping to reveal compatibility — but what else makes a successful relationship? Learn the five critical mistakes that may be keeping…

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Blog, Dating, Lasting Amour, Must Read, Relationships, Video

Video: Bringing play into your relationship

Sometimes it seems easier to get caught up on the stuff that’s not working in your relationship, and men often complain that their wife or girlfriend is too serious and rarely seems happy. So, maybe it’s time to bring a little play into your relationship! Watch this video and leave your feedback.  What do YOU do that HE finds fun…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, Love Express, Love Magnet

Online Dating – The Modern, Smart Way to Meet Your Mate

Looking for love? Or just looking for a date? When you’ve run out of options in your local neighborhood or social scene, then many people these days turn to online dating. So how can you find Mr. or Miss Right out of all the options that are available? Here’s some dating advice for the internet age. It goes without saying…

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Blog, Lasting Amour, Love Express, Love Hiccups, Must Read

Are Your Relationship Problems Fixable?

So many people in a troubled marriage or relationship often feel as though no matter what they do the relationship doesn’t seem to improve.  It’s stuck in an endless cycle of frustration and confusion… You may feel all alone, lost and unsure what to do next.  Sometimes it’s hard to believe that you were once so in love, or at…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, Love Express

He says, “He DOESN’T Want a Relationship” – What Does That Mean?

Please listen carefully and never forget this… When a man says he doesn’t want a relationship it means; HE DOES NOT WANT A RELATIONSHIP now or with you… SIMPLE! A man tells you more about who he is and what he wants in the first two weeks of knowing him than he probably will in the proceeding weeks.  And unfortunately most…

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