Dating the bad boy? Have you ever? There’s CAN BE a certain kind of thrill that comes with dating someone you shouldn’t. He’s the guy your mum warned you about…. Typically he’s the guy who doesn’t care what anyone thinks. He’s the guy whose rough and rugged appearance makes you shed your inhibitions. He’s the guy who’s probably not emotionally…
Remove The Blindfold For Real Love
June 14, 2014Are we sometimes too blind for Real Love? This week I had a task to do, I needed to put together an outdoor table setting, and while I was going through the motions of working out how to put it together I had a realisation about real love. You see, the original table had started to deteriorate prematurely and the…
What kind of women do men fall in love with? Are you an Alpha Female? Men love women who are confident and at ease with themselves, just as women like men who are confident and at ease with themselves. BUT… some men and women get confidence and arrogance confused, which means; if you desire to create a strong and healthy…
When you first meet a man it can feel like you can talk about anything, trying to work out ‘how to communicate’ isn’t really something that you even think about. You feel heard, you feel that he wants to know how you’re feeling and that he wants to understand you and support you. There is a sense of loving and…
Over the years, I’ve been told that I can be a little too intimidating to men. At first I thought that this was crazy… For some time deliberated and even marvelled as to why I would be threatening to a man? How could this petite woman be someone a man felt nervous around or intimidated by? In retrospect, I’ve pinpointed…
Being miles apart from your significant other requires a different set of guidelines for ensuring long distance relationships work out. Featured Image Credit: Dvortygirl There will always be those moments when you really want to talk to your man, but you can’t because he’s not online or he isn’t due to wake up for another few hours. Yes, long distance…
Recently I was out with a group of girlfriends who I hadn’t seen in a little while. We met up at a popular wine bar and we were having a great time catching. That evening my single girlfriend’s were complaining to me that they never meet men, and as the evening progressed it became crystal clear that they were in…
Have you ever felt insecure in a relationship, or does your relationship have you feeling uneasy in some way? A healthy relationship is composed of numerous things and one of those things is safety, and not necessarily in an obvious kind of way. If you’re not feeling as though your relationship is flowing or you feel you’re in struggle-lan, then one…
Relationships need attention… just like a healthy and thriving garden and just like a fire that sometimes cools over time… it could be time to rekindle relationship love into a flame once more. This is true whether you’re in a marriage or a long-term relationship…or even in something new. As time goes on, couples grow “bored” or “content” with one…
The number one reason men won’t commit Do you know the number one reason men will not commit and set a date? They will never admit it – but they are scared. They have so many “what-ifs” going through their mind when they are in a dating relationship. Just like you do. While women have a great connection with their intuition and…