Being over 35 and single is an interesting time for women who want to find love. It can be an exciting time and also an emotionally draining experience. If you’re single, by now you’ve probably kissed enough frogs to know the type of man you want to meet, and whether you want to build a family (or extend one). And…
Imagine that your best friends’ husband calls you to let you know that his wife, your best friend, has been in an accident. He tells you that even though she’s safe, she’s a bit rattled, and he thought that she would love to hear from you. So, what would you do? Text her or call her? Now imagine that you really…
Have you ever wondered if a deeply loving relationship can exist without emotional intimacy? If you have, I’m sure you’ve come to the conclusion that it can’t. Emotional bonding is what distinguishes casual from serious relationships, or an unfulfilling one to a fulfilling one, there’s hardly any question about this. We tend to feel closer to people with whom we…
I remember a time when dating a younger man was out of the question for me. Just one year younger seemed somehow “wrong”, then one day I realized that I was being far too ridged and narrow in my approach to finding love. After this change in perspective I decided it was time to open my horizons and give dating a…
I have a friend, a beautiful, smart woman, who’s been happily married for years. So it came as a surprise when she burst out and told me she’s sick and tired of her husband not doing anything around the house. Wait, I said, don’t you share your chores? She said yes, but only if she reminds him. What a classic.…
How often do you stop to think about what real love is? You probably have an answer that includes a whole range of things… kindness, feels good, sex, snuggles, playful moments, someone to listen, shared values and life goals… But is this what love is all about? The truth is, sex doesn’t mean love, nor does having fun and playful…
Watch the video to find out what Nadine Piat has to say about When To Get Back Together and please comment below. Is there ever a good time to get back together? Nadine shares her perspective on the relationships that deserve a second chance and the ones that don’t.
I have not met a person who has not felt some level of emotional pain in the face of love. Sometimes it can feel as though you’re in love-poop and you have no idea how to get out of it. No matter how evolved you are, no matter how much love you have for yourself, a relationship breakdown or a…
You’re having breakfast with a girlfriend at a café and who should walk in? Yes, that guy you briefly met a few weeks ago, and have a secret crush on, is now standing only a few yards a way from you! Your heart starts to race, and as he sees you and starts to head your way, your cheeks flush…
Having a relationship with a man who has children comes with its own set of challenges. Aside from working on a thriving relationship with each other, you also have to consider how you can deal with the kids he has in tow (and perhaps you have children too). It may be tough, but it’s not completely impossible. In fact, each…