
Dating, Featured, Love Hiccups, Must Read, Relationships

Does He See You As One-Dimensional or Multidimensional (the secret to captivating a great man)?

Do you still see the excitement in his eyes when he sees you?  If the answer is “NO” then there could be something that’s hindering your connection. Losing your man’s interest over you may not always be because of “someone else” it could be, at some point, because of lack of spark and inspiration. A relationship can go stale when…

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Blog, Dating, In Love, Love Hiccups, Relationships

Are You Ready for Mr Nice Guy? 8 Signs You’ve Found Him

Why is it that women seem to gravitate more towards the bad guys? We state we want a guy that will rub our backs, pick up groceries, help with the kids, and even be handy around the house, but when that guy comes along…we run the other way. Instead of opening up your arms to a quality man, you find…

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Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Hiccups, Relationships

7 Signs of an Emotionally “Balanced” Person

As a personal coach, any client that comes to me with issues in their love life or in their life in general, the first thing I need to unravel is the depth of their emotional understanding. What everyone needs to understand is that no matter what type of person you’re in a relationship with… if you’re not emotionally healthy, chances are…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, Love Hiccups, Relationships, Sex, Uncategorized

Are You a Sapiosexual? Signs You Could Be and Tips for Finding Love

“Am I a what?” That’s probably the question that went through your mind as you read the title of this post. Seeing as how it is a relatively new term found on relationship blogs, you shouldn’t be surprised that you didn’t know what the heck I was referring to. Sapiosexual has nothing to do with your sexual orientation; it has…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Express, Relationships

Thinking of Changing for Your Guy? You May Want to Think Again.

One of the biggest mistakes that women make in relationships is changing themselves for a particular guy. I think it is safe to say that there are things that we can all change about ourselves. Whether it is our need to control things or our emotional insecurities that keep us from loving ourselves, but I don’t believe that we should…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Hiccups, Relationships, Sex

Let’s Talk About Sex: Are you a “NAUGHTY” girl? Why is Something So Good Often Defined As Bad?

Recently my client told me about a guy she had been out on a few dates with. Things had been developing nicely and on the fourth date she admitted to getting a bit “naughty” with him. I knew she was implying that something of a sexual nature had taken place, though I wasn’t sure what she actually meant, specifically, so…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Express, Love Hiccups, Relationships

Over 35 and Single? Could you Get Hurt Easier?

Being over 35 and single is an interesting time for women who want to find love. It can be an exciting time and also an emotionally draining experience. If you’re single, by now you’ve probably kissed enough frogs to know the type of man you want to meet, and whether you want to build a family (or extend one). And…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Hiccups, Relationships

How to Attract Men Emotionally

Have you ever wondered if a deeply loving relationship can exist without emotional intimacy? If you have, I’m sure you’ve come to the conclusion that it can’t. Emotional bonding is what distinguishes casual from serious relationships, or an unfulfilling one to a fulfilling one, there’s hardly any question about this. We tend to feel closer to people with whom we…

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Blog, Dating, Featured, In Love, Love Hiccups, Relationships

Emotionally attached to a younger man – Should you stay or should you leave?

I remember a time when dating a younger man was out of the question for me. Just one year younger seemed somehow “wrong”, then one day I realized that I was being far too ridged and narrow in my approach to finding love.  After this change in perspective I decided it was time to open my horizons and give dating a…

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